Changing environmental and climatic conditions challenge your forage production. Grasses that can better handle spring and early summer drought will result in a healthy and high yielding crop.
What if we said, you can easily get a more profitable business? Choose our state-of-the-art forage grasses to get higher yields and maximise milk and meat output without increasing input costs.
High milk or meat yields are essential for running a profitable farm. With best in class forage grasses, alfalfa, clovers and fodder beets you increase the nutritional value of your forage and silage. Whatever your climate or terrain, we can help. Among our range of forage seed varieties and mixtures, you'll find plenty of options suitable for your farm and your herds. We have grasses for pasture, for silage, and for catch crops, as well as a range of high-yielding fodder beet.
Our R&D monitors nutritional value of all our grasses at every stage of development. We use near-infrared scanning equipment when measuring quality of grasses in the field and we also analyse samples in our labs to give us a dynamic view of the forage quality of each forage grass variety. Based on the results we segment our grasses into e.g. grazing or cutting.
With our thorough and detailed nutritional data, we can guide you and give input to more profitable forage management.
High milk or meat yields are essential for running a profitable farm.
The key to this is to keep your herds well fed with home-grown forage.
With best in class ForageMax mixtures you increase the
nutritional value of your forage and silage.
Changing environmental and climatic conditions challenge your forage production. Grasses that can better handle spring and early summer drought will result in a healthy and high yielding crop.
Everybody needs good nutrition to grow. Grass seeds are no exception. That’s why we send our ProNitro® coated seeds into the world with a packed lunch full of nitrogen that will fuel germination and growth.
High drought tolerance, excellent yield with a high protein content and not least a natural nitrogen source. The reasons for choosing DLF Alfalfa are manyfold.
Higher forage quality. Excellent tolerance. Better yields. There are plenty of great reasons to give the green light to PLUS grasses.
Our top quality grasses labeled as DLF Fiber Energy improve nutritional intake. The result is more milk and/or meat yields and at the same time a reduced climatic impact.
Our top quality grasses labeled as DLF Fiber Energy improve nutritional intake. The result is more milk and/or meat yields and at the same time a reduced climatic impact.
PLUS - Festulolium by DLF Download
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DLF Alfalfa - start growing your return today Download
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