- FIBER ENERGY grasses
- High quality and palatability
- Forage grasses for intensive production
- 2-3 years renewal

Forage grasses for high digestible and palatable forage
CutMax Fiber Energy is a cutting mixture for intensive milk production where forage grasses is big part of the feeding plan.
This mix consist of some of our most digestible grasses, Fiber Energy grasses. Theses grasses has the potential of delivering you an extra high quality of digestible feed for your cows which can increase your milk production and overall farm revenue.
Our perennial ryegrass in this mixture is ranked as top varieties in many recommended official trials and do not only preform well in digestibility but also perform well in e.g. winterhardiness, rust tolerance, ground cover, persistency and dry matter yield.
We have also added Ryegrass PLUS to this mixtures. It is an important part of the mixture as we want to ensure a high yield, but also to improve persistency and high productivity in years with periods of drought or other harsh climate.
We recommend to cut this mixture at least 4 times a year in intervals of app. 4-6 weeks depending on you location, to ensure a high quality.
With firm management you will have a sward for many years. However, we do recommend to overseed or renew it after 3 years to ensure the high percentage of clovers and high palatable grasses.
Read about our Fiber Energy grasses
Read about our Ryegrass PLUS grasses
Read about our Recommendation for management
Seeding rate, Kg/Ha.: 30-35
Technical Specifications
High digestible grasses for high forage quality
CutMax Fiber Energy |
Duration: 2-3 years |
Mixture Composition | |
Red clover | 10 % |
Perennial ryegrass, diploid intermediate | 15 % |
Perennial ryegrass, diploid late | 15 % |
Perennial ryegrass, tretraploid intermediate | 15 % |
Perennial ryegrass, tetraploid late | 15 % |
Ryegras PLUS | 20 % |
White clover | 10 % |
Product information

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Forage & Agriculture
We offer a wide range of healthy, quality forage grass species to optimize your milk and meat production.
Developed and tested over years, our ForageMax mixtures are optimized for climatic challenges, high yield, and quality. We continuously evaluate and adjust to meet changing local needs.