Lolium westerwoldicum
- Quick germination and ground cover
- Ideal for transition periods
- Fast repair of wear damages

Quick Germination and Ground Cover
Quickdraw is the ideal solution for short-term repair and weed suppression. Due to its fast establishment, Quickdraw is a perfect variety to compete with unwanted weeds, helping groundsmen overcome this challenge!
Perfect for Transition Periods
High temperatures and drought are becoming more common issues. Consequently, more countries are turning to C4 plants like Cynodon dactylon, which thrive in hot conditions. However, these plants lose their aesthetic appeal during colder periods. Quickdraw provides an effective solution by overseeding C4 turf, maintaining its green color and ornamental value even in cooler weather.
Fast Repair After Wear
After a football match, empty patches on the field are prime spots for Poa annua to germinate. Groundskeepers can quickly repair these damaged areas using Quickdraw to secure a high-quality playing field with an impeccable appearance for spectators.
Technical Specifications
- Westerwold/annual ryegrass
Quick germination for fast repair and weed surpression!
- Listed/recommended in EU CZ
Product information

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