Lolium perenne
- Dark green color
- Disease resistant
- Top turf quality
- High traffic tolerance
- Fine textured

Quick facts
Bandalore (IS-PR 463) exemplifies the best of all worlds in terms of turf quality and diverse applications. Rated one of the top varieties in the new 2010 NTEP Trial, Bandalore has some of the highest marks for mean turf quality across multiple regions, plus it recuperates well from wear and high traffic situations.
Good summer density, retention of quality into the fall, along with some salt tolerance and excellent resistance to brown patch, complete the spectrum of qualities attributed to Bandalore.
Bandalore is an excellent choice for situations where a quality turf is mandatory. Suited for use in landscaping, home lawns, areas of active use such as parks, sports fields and golf course tees and fairways. It can be applied as a straight, mixture, or in blends of compatible species such as Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescues.
Technical Specifications
- Perennial ryegrass
The best of all worlds
- Listed/recommended in EU BY CZ RU TR
Performance of BANDALORE in NTEP trialsSource: compared to 88 entries in the 2010 National Perennial Ryegrass Test - 2011 Data |
Mean Quality Traffic (CA) | Turf Quality in the Transition North Central, Southwest and Northwest Regions |
Mean Quality (NE Region, Minnesota and Maryland) | Wear Tolerance |
Brown Patch | Summer Density |
Mean Quality ALL Locations | Percent Living Ground Cover (fall) |
Product information

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