4salt® – Improved growth in saline conditions
4salt® is developed for areas with salinity problems and limitations on irrigation water, helping turf professionals grow a persistent turf under harsh conditions.
Saline conditions - Not a problem anymore!
Being near the coast should never restrict your ability to grow first quality turf. For many golf courses, for example, a clifftop location is part of the attraction. But even in locations that are distant from the sea, salinity can be a problem caused by rising levels of salt in ground water and an increasing reliance on recycled water for irrigation. Salinity also affects the verges of winter-saltes roads. Whether the salinity is due to salt in the soil, the nearby sea or the irrigation water, the 4salt® solution offers better plant growth than standard grass seed mixtures.
Our 4salt mixtures will perform well also without salinity problems, so it is at no risk to choose them as a safeguard in case of doubt, or to be prepared for changes in the quality of irrigation water etc.

For several uses 4salt® should be the obvious choice
4salt® varieties are tested for salt tolerance and have shown improved growth under saline conditions. Our varieties should be the obivious choice under saline conditions as presented here:
- Coastal golf courses
- Dikes
- Roadsides
- Area irrigation with recycled water with varying or unknow quality

The science behind 4salt®
The 4salt® concept is a results of continuous testing and selection in our R&D facilities. By exposing our germplasm to rising levels of salt in the growth substrate, we identified the most salt-tolerant varieties of species such as tall fescue and slender creeping red fescue. Before we release a variety, we put it through a 180-day salt test. This lets us check that it meets your needs - for coastal locations, for sport or amenity use, and for turf irrigated with saline recycled water.
After a variety becomes established, we put it through a more demanding test in which we raise the salt content until it matches 3% salinity of sea water. By scoring each variety for salt-tolerance, we can compare with other varieties sold for salt-tolerance. Our varieties score best in these comparisons.
Seeding solutions for the future
Climate changes increase the need of alternative irrigation, 4salt® is the varieties to overcome that.
Our 4salt® varieties are known to improve growth in saline conditions. Their salt tolerance enables for better growth in challeging salt conditions compared to regular not-screened varieties.
The better salt tolerance enables professional turf managers and seed producers to use recycled water with saline- or unkown quality. Using 4salt® varieties is perfect for decreasing the use of tap-water and help support grass growth towards a sustainable production in the future.
Salt tolerance is specie dependent
Our salt screening of different grass varieties has shown the importance differences between species. The 4salt® brand is used to identify varieties and mixtures optimized for saline conditions, based on our R&D results.
Salt tolerance tests show huge differences between species:
Average | |
Red fescue - slender creeping | 8,8 |
Tall fescue | 8,3 |
Creeping bentgrass | 7,8 |
Red fescue - strong creeping | 7,2 |
Hard fescue | 6,9 |
Perennial ryegrass 4n | 6,3 |
Smooth-stalked meadow-grass | 6,0 |
Perennial ryegrass 2n | 5,2 |
Velvet bent | 5,0 |
Browntop bent | 4,3 |
Red fescue - chewings | 4,2 |
Rough-stalked meadow-grass | 4 |

Masterline mixtures with 4salt® enhanced salt tolerance.
Our 4salt® mixtures will perform well also without salinity problems, so it is at no risk to choose them as a safeguard in case of doubt!