Phleum bertolonii
- Extremely cold tolerant
- Tolerates submersion for more months
- High density under regurlarly mowing
- Grows well also under short days

Very High Winterhardiness
Timothy has from nature the very best cold tolerance. It grows very well in the northern Scandinavian under long days and low temperature. The normal timothe for forage is Phleum pratense but TENO is of the special low and small leaved timothy types - Phelum bertolonii - and is especially breed for aminity use under cold and wet conditions.
Nice Density
Density is normally not linked to timothy but TENO offers a very nice dense carpet of grass beeing of the Bertolonii type and not of the the normal forage types. Under normal mowing as lawn TENO has a very nice density with a soft growt habit - excellent for lawns.
Small Leaves and a very nice General Appearance
The leaves of TENO are broader than for most perennial ryegrasses but the general appearance is very good with a light green to bluish look. TENO can be recommended in mixtures but the very best look will appear when used in pure stand.
TENO - the answer to extreme cold and wet condition.
Technical Specifications
- Timothy turf type
Superb for Cold Wet Areas
- Listed/recommended in EU BY CZ DK RU UK
Recommended use of TENO cold and wet areas |
Recommendation | |
Lawns | In pure stand |
Lawns | In mixture with Poa pratensis-20 % Teno |
Sportsfields | Mixture with Poa pratensis and perennial ryegrass-20 % perennial ryegrass. |
Product information

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