Lolium perenne
- Exceptional good winter hardiness
- Excellent persistency
- Very ground cover – leaves no chance for weeds
- Recommended for low land

When Winter Hardiness is Important
If black frost appears, some varieties show their weakness. But this is the time, when NAVARRA starts to show its inside quality. Due to this very good persistence, NAVARRA out competed all other varieties in the 4th year trial in Bavaria, Germany. NAVARRA must be your first choice perennial ryegrass for tough conditions.
Yield? No Problem
The drymatter yield of NAVARRA is very high, and furthermore the resistance against diseases like snow mould, leaf spot and rust is very high.
Flexible Use
The late heading of NAVARRA in combination with high palatability secures high flexibility. A small delay in harvest doesn't affect the feeding value dramatically.
Technical Specifications
- Perennial ryegrass
Outstanding Persistence
- Listed/recommended in EU DE RU
- Lateness: Late
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We offer a wide range of healthy, quality forage grass species to optimize your milk and meat production. See all species here.
Perennial ryegrass 4n
Perennial ryegrass is a high yielding, quality grass. The best varieties are persistent under a grazing management, provided they are well fertilized and managed.