Lolium perenne
- Excellent grazing yields
- Yield spread evenly throughout the year
- Excellent disease resistance package
- Good ground cover and persistance

Convey has all the attributes to enhance the performance of grazing leys.
In NIAB trials the grazing yield and ME yield are 3% above the intermediate heading tetraploid mean.
Convey is superior under grazing management to most of the intermediate tetraploids on the list.
It's yield is evenly distributed throughout the grazing year.
Under grazing regimes, high ground cover scores are desirable so that swards do not become open and subject to poaching and weed invasion.
Convey achieved the highest score of 62% in the third harvest year to demonstrate it’s persistency.
In terms of disease resistance, Convey has no weakness being well above the group mean for Crown Rust and Drechslera and good against Mildew.
"Convey is bred to be used for grazing purposes. It has a good persistency which is seen in the density and winterhardiness in older leys.
It has shown a good rust tolerance and a very good Dreschlere tolerance in trials". Morten Greve - Perennial Ryegrass Breeder
Technical Specifications
- Perennial ryegrass
High performing grazing variety
- Listed/recommended in EU NL UK
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Perennial ryegrass 4n
Perennial ryegrass is a high yielding, quality grass. The best varieties are persistent under a grazing management, provided they are well fertilized and managed.