Festuca pratensis
- Good winter hardiness
- Good persistence
- High stress tolerance
- Active growth under low temperatures

Good winter hardiness
Meadow fescue is a perennial and persistent grass specie.
It does not require high temperatures for active growth and is very winter-hardy.
It appreciates high soil moisture content.
Meadow fescue can be grown successfully on both ordinary arable land and in fertile humus-rich soils.
It is, however, not suitable for poor, dry and sandy soils.
Meadow fescue has an early spring growth with a regrowth consisting mainly of leafy shoots and is good for both cutting and grazing.
SENU has a medium early growth in spring and medium early heading.
SENU is suitable for meadow mixtures used for mowing or combined mowing and grazing.
SENU is winterhardy with a good persistence.
Technical Specifications
- Meadow fescue
Very Best Winter Hardiness
- Listed/recommended in EU BY EST LIT SK UA UK
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Meadow fescue
Meadow fescue is a very persistent grass. It does not require high temperatures for active growth and is very winter hardy. It appreciates a high soil moisture content.