Dactylis glomerata
- Late heading very high dry matter yield
- Extreme high summer yield
- Good rust resistance
- Persistent

Combining yield and rust resistance
As a late variety ALDEBARAN has a very high total dry matter yield. On closer examination, this is a result of an extremely high, relative, summer yield of 108%.
This summer yield is required if Cocksfoot is used to avoid the summer dormancy of other species and provide a good summer forage performance. However this high yield is not worth anything if the variety is susceptible to rust. Rust appearing in the summer will make the yield worthless for the animal.
With ALDEBARAN this is not a problem due to the high resistance to rust of this variety. As a late type it fits perfect into mixtures with perennial ryegrass and whiteclover due to the flexibility a late type adds to such a composition. ALDEBARAN also has a good grazing tolerance for a flexible use.
Technical Specifications
- Cocksfoot/Orchard grass
Late variety with a unique combination of yield and rust resistance.
- Listed/recommended in EU AT DE RU UA
- Lateness: Late
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Specification and ratings
Source: Bundessortenamt, GermanyAldebaran | Average catalogue | |
Yield 1st cut | 5 | 5,00 |
Yield following cuts | 6 | 5,38 |
Total yield | 6 | 5,19 |
Other info
Source: Bundessortenamt, GermanyAldebaran | Average catalogue | |
Lateness | 6,0 | 5,3 |
Cold susceptibility | 5,0 | 4,8 |
Lodging tendency | 4,0 | 4,8 |
Rust susceptibility | 3,0 | 4,1 |
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Cocksfoot/Orchardgrass is a persistent grass that grows relatively slowly in the sowing year. In its second and subsequent years it is very vigorous.