- Yield and quality in one
- Highest possible milk production
- 2-4 silage cuts
- For temperate and warm climates

CutMax - Digest - Yield and quality in one
With festulolium
CutMax - Digest is composed with festulolium, which has a very high digestibility and increased sugar content - this mixture provides the highest quality. FEstulolium and tall fescue increase persistency and drought resistance of the sward during the seadon as well as over longer terms.
CutMax - Digest secures the highest intake and milk production. It is ideal for 2-4 silage cuts per year in a rotational system with renewal every 3-6 years.
CutMax - Digest is suitable for cold and temperate regions as well as hot and dry areas.
Seeding rate, KG/HA: 25-30
Technical Specifications
Yield and quality in one
CutMax DigestDuration: 2-4 years |
Mixture Composition | |
Red clover | 15 % |
Festulolium type ryegrass | 25 % |
Tall fescue | 25 % |
Perennial ryegrass intermediate tetraploid | 25 % |
Timothy | 10 % |
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Forage & Agriculture
We offer a wide range of healthy, quality forage grass species to optimize your milk and meat production.
Developed and tested over years, our ForageMax mixtures are optimized for climatic challenges, high yield, and quality. We continuously evaluate and adjust to meet changing local needs.