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Beets & Vegetables
Sustainability Meets Innovation
Perennial ryegrass 2n
Perennial ryegrass is a high yielding, high quality grass. The best varieties are persistent under a grazing management, if they are well fertilised, well managed and the winters are not too severe.
39 varieties
Alfalfa/Lucerne is grown in most temperate regions of the world. It thrives very well on well-drained deep soils with a sufficient content of lime, potash and phosphate.
20 varieties
Alaska brome
Brome grass is recommended on more dry lands. They are adapted to both heat and cold stress.
1 varieties
Alsike clover
Alsike has growth characteristics of both red and white clover and thrives well in acidic and water-logged soils.
Bermuda grass
Warm season grasses are best adapted to areas where temperatures reach 27°C or higher. Their tolerance of cold weather is generally poor.
0 varieties
Birdsfoot trefoil
Birdsfoot trefoil is a perennial legume which is drought tolerant and fixates nitrogen to the soil. It adapts well to poor soils compared to other legumes.
Black medick
Black medick is mainly used for intercropping for green manuring and under-sown in spring cereal.
Cocksfoot is a very persistent grass. It grows relatively slowly in the sowing year, but in the second and subsequent years it is very vigorous.
8 varieties
Crimson clover
Crimson clover is an annual clover developing very fast after sowing - faster than most other annual clover species.
PLUS - Festulolium Festuca type
Festulolium is a cross between festucas and lolium. This creates a combination of high quality with good winter hardiness, persistence and stress tolerance.
7 varieties
PLUS - Festulolium Lolium type
Festulolium is a cross between festucas and loliums which create a combination of high quality with good winter hardiness, persistence and stress tolerance.
Fodder beet
Fodder beet is the highest yielding forage crop any one can grow. The energy rich fodder beets are complementing the use of grass or protein rich legumes in the diet of the cattle.
6 varieties
Hybrid ryegrass 2n
Hybrid ryegrass is a cross between perennial and Italian ryegrass combining yield, quality and persistence. Types range from perennial ryegrass, intermediate and Italian types.
Hybrid ryegrass 4n
9 varieties
Italian ryegrass 2n
Italian ryegrass is one of the fastest growing grasses available to farmers. It establishes well and starts growing early in the following spring.
13 varieties
Italian ryegrass 4n
12 varieties
Smooth-stalked meadow-grass
Poa pratensis is frequently found in natural grasslands, in both mineral and humus rich soils. It is persistent with strong rhizomes and erect leafy shoots.
5 varieties
Meadow fescue
Meadow fescue is a very persistent grass. It does not require high temperatures for active growth and is very winter hardy. It appreciates a high soil moisture content.
3 varieties
Perennial ryegrass 4n
Perennial ryegrass is a high yielding, quality grass. The best varieties are persistent under a grazing management, provided they are well fertilized and managed.
49 varieties
Red clover 2n
Red clover thrives well in a wide range of soils except very light, acidic or water-logged soil. It has a deep rooted system which makes it drought tolerant.
Red clover 4n
4 varieties
Strong creeping red fescue
Red fescue is found in many natural pastures in most soil types under widely varying moisture conditions. It normally propagates by means of creepers, giving a good ground cover.
Tall fescue
Tall fescue is one of the most drought, heat and wear tolerant species. Due to its large, deep rooted system it is able to take up water, also in very dry periods.
Tall oat-grass
Oat-grass is a tall growing grass which is especially used for hay. It thrives very well in dry and poor soils due to its very deep rooted system.
Timothy is normally found growing wild in fertile soils in good moist conditions. It is a persistent grass, which seldom suffers from frost damage.
Westerwold 2n
Annual ryegrass/Westerwoldicum is the annual type of Italian ryegrass and the fastest growing grass. Contrary to Italian ryegrass, it forms stems during the sowing year.
Westerwold 4n
14 varieties
White clover
White clover thrives very well in soils with good water capacity. The yield on sandy soils is very high provided there is sufficient moisture from rainfall or irrigation.