New forage grass raises the bar in Oceania
It’s worth sharing when we have a great break through. Read about the many advantages of Vast below!

Our latest tetraploid perennial ryegrass, Vast, distinguished itself with a high yield in the last part of the season. This variety is ready for launch in spring 2023 and is the first extremely late-heading perennial ryegrass on the market in Oceania.
Vast has genetics from the Southwest and Northern Europe as well as New Zealand and stands out due to its fine and dense plant density, strong winter production, good disease tolerance and extremely low aftermath seed head production. These characteristics mean that it continues to produce quality forage even when the quality of most other ryegrasses is declining. This adds significant value for farmers, as late grass production helps to slow the decline in post-peak milk production in dairy systems, and the timing of Vast’s forage production is also ideal for flushing and mating ewes and for beef and lamb finishing.