The Super Bowl semifinal on sporty DLF turf grass
On Sunday January 24th the AFC Championship Game will be played at Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, Missouri
It is the fourth year in a row, that Arrowhead stadium will be hosting the AFC final and the finalist teams this year are Buffalo Bills and Kansas City Chiefs
The winner will be one of the finalists in this year’s Super Bowl in Tampa, Florida scheduled to be played February 7, 2021
Arrowhead Stadium is well prepared for this match . DLF brand Seed Research of Oregon has for more than 20 years been the proud supplier of turf grass seed for this stadium.
Dr. Leah Brilman, Director of Product Management in DLF Pickseed USA explains:
-The base at the Arrowhead is a dormant hybrid Bermuda grass, that thrives in the summer heat and go dormant in the winter time. That’s why overseeding with cold temperate grasses is necessary during the cold season to keep the grass carpet growing and stay green so the athletes get an attractive sports field for their games.
For overseeding in the Kansas climate, a blend of 80% Perennial Ryegrass and 20% Chewings Fescue have been preferred for the last 5+ years. It’s a well-proven solution that copes with shade, cold temperatures and wear issues.
Furthermore one of the new tetraploid turf perennials, 4N TETRADARK, developed by the plant breeders of DLF, will be tested at the stadium in 2021 to help with excessive wear at the center of the field. This variety has a unique dark color and adds high lawn quality in winter, where the field managers challenges are extensive.
Field manager at Arrowhead Stadium, Travis Hogan, nurses the field with turf blankets, underground warming and Grow Lights to stimulate and help seed germination and growth. So he is well prepared for the clash on Sunday.