Beets & Vegetables
DLF Beet Seed is a global supplier of sugar and fodder beet seed. The two renowned channels, MARIBO and HILLESHÖG, have a rich heritage in the sugar beet industry and serve as independent platforms for selling and promoting sugar beet seeds.
Jensens Seed produce flower and hybrid vegetable seeds for seedbreeding companies worldwide. Our decades-long commitment to developing and perfecting seed cultivation and purification techniques sets us apart. Jensen Seeds A/S, an independent seed production company, has been a proud member of the DLF family since 2017.
DANESPO stands as the premier Northern European company, excelling in the breeding, production, and sale of high-quality ware and seed potatoes. With a global reach, Danespo proudly exports to over 40 countries across the globe. Danespo is equally owned by DLF Seeds and Florimond Desprez.